FLI MD Membership


We are opening a limited number of spots each month for our annual Healthy Aging Plan Membership in order to ensure personalized attention and a unique experience.

Please fill in your details below and we will be in touch to schedule a consultation. 

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Who Should Join ?

Preparation For Perimenopause:

Optimal hormone levels start to decline as early as your mid-20s and by your 30s many women discover that their effective strategies for health no longer serve them. Instead of waiting for the symptoms of perimenopause, such as weight-gain, mood instability, and brain fog to take hold, prevent them by building your personalized healthy habits with sleep, stress, nutrition, fitness, hormones and gut health that will serve you for the rest of your life. 

"Thank you FLI MD for helping me take important actions to improve my health span. After comprehensive blood work, a DEXA scan, a fitness evaluation, and expert talks, I now know exactly where to focus to improve my muscle mass and energy. The quality of the nurses, doctors, and advisors that FLI offers is incredible. While I'm still on the younger side of my perimenopause journey, I now have clarity on how to improve my sleep, nutrition, exercise, and hormones to be as healthy as possible. This is so empowering and has changed my approach to the decades ahead."
L.L. age 41 



Perimenopause typically lasts between 7 and 10 years and is one of the most misunderstood and misdiagnosed areas of healthcare. It is often treated with antidepressants and birth control pills because most physicians and OB/GYNs do not have the time or education to treat women at the root cause and cellular level. At FLI we have developed a deep expertise and program to not only ease the symptoms of perimenopause but treat women for optimal longevity and healthspan.

“After being told the way I was feeling was just a part of aging by both my primary care doctor and OB / GYN, and that my labs were ‘normal’, I finally found a health team that listened to me and worked with me to dramatically improve my health. I have lost weight, my mood swings are gone, my focus is restored and I am so much happier.”
N.A. age 46

“Since starting this program, my energy levels have soared, and despite the tremendous stress I'm under at work, I feel more capable than ever. In 3 months I’ve lost 7 pounds while gaining muscle. I recommend FLI to friends, co-workers, and even acquaintances. Now, I get to enjoy the wisdom of my 40s while having the energy I had in my 20s!"
S.A. age 42

Post Perimenopause:

It’s never too late to get serious about preventative care. Too many women are just told that conditions such as osteoporosis, sarcopenia, cognitive decline, and cardiovascular issues are just the normal course of aging. They don’t have to be. If you maintain proper hormone support, nutrition and fitness, control stress, and avoid environmental toxins like pesticides and other pollutants the cells in your body can behave like you're young, even when you're old. Women can get happier with each decade of their lives. We love helping postmenopausal women discover the incredible possibility of their body and mind.

“I absolutely love my experience at FLI. It is far beyond my expectations. The entire experience has been transformational for me and completely transformed my approach to aging. There are diseases and life outcomes I’m certain I will prevent as a result of this experience.”
T.D. age 65 

"Despite being on a health optimization journey for several years, the FLI experience has provided me with an incredibly robust set of personal data I never had before, along with specific steps for improvement. This unique and valuable insight is something I couldn't find anywhere else!"
E.J. age 52

3 Great Reasons to Join

Reclaim Vitality

Our medical team are experts at treating complex health challenges of midlife women and will help balance your hormones, rediscover sleep, and address other body systems issues such as digestive health, sexual health, and autoimmune disease. 

Improve Body Composition

Our health and fitness coaches work with you on a metabolic reset and will develop your precision nutrition and fitness plans to help you build sustainable habits for life. We design programs for high-adherence and not short-term results.

Prevent Chronic Disease

We bring the latest science-based longevity best practices to reverse your biological age and help prevent common diseases such as cardiovascular and neurodegenerative disease that actually develop in midlife and are not an inevitability in old age.

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San Francisco, California

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Meet Our Team of 
Women's Health Experts

Krista Ramonas, MD, FAAO

MEDICAL ADVISOR, Double Board Certified Physician & Surgeon

Krista is Founder and CEO of a Longevity medical practice in San Francisco focused on disease prevention. She is currently double Board Certified in Ophthalmology and is a diplomat of the Board of American Academy of Anti-Aging Physicians. She is passionate about advanced personalized preventive care which allows for early intervention and dramatic health risk reduction.

Diana Thiara, MD

Medical Advisor, Board-certified Internist. UCSF Medical Director, Weight Management Program

Diana is a weight management specialist who has helped 1,000s of patients live their healthiest, most vital lives by focusing on their nutrition, sleep, exercise and stress reduction. Diana designed the FLI MD Nutrition Plan and Metabolic Reset program.

Lyssa Jaye

Board-certified family nurse practitioner and functional nutrition and health practitioner

For almost 20 years, Lyssa Jaye has committed her career to partnering with women in their healthcare journeys. She is a board certified family nurse practitioner and certified functional nutrition and women’s health provider. With her understanding of both conventional and functional modalities, specialized testing, hormone therapy and ways to discover and address imbalances that are at the root of most health conditions, she provides personalized, effective care to each woman she sees.

Felice Gersh, MD

Medical Advisor, Board-certified in Integrative Medicine and OB-GYN

She is a globally-renowned expert in women’s health and complex disease management. Adept in all areas of women’s health, Dr. Gersh is especially renowned for her expertise in female hormones. She approaches the female aging process in a holistic manner, comprehensively addressing the impacts of circadian rhythm disruption, sleep disturbances, pharmaceuticals, environmental toxins, nutrient and hormonal deficiencies, gut microbiome imbalances, and chronic stress.

Celest Waechter


Celest holds a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with a double minor in Neuroscience and Psychology. With over 16 years of experience, she is a Certified Health Coach, yoga instructor, breath coach, and CrossFit trainer. Celest advocates for holistic health, using a root-cause approach, blending ancient wisdom with modern science to bring awareness, guidance, and resources to each client’s life.

Sharyn Galindo


Sharyn Galindo, NBC-HWC, is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach, studying modern and traditional wellness approaches. She is a Functional Medicine Health Coach, Mental Health Coach, an Ayurvedic Specialist, Yoga, Meditation, and Pranayama Teacher. She incorporates all aspects into her coaching.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us
2100 Webster Street, 
Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94115
[email protected]
+1 707-653-6450